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Please visit the form directly here

or contact us with the following information:

    • Requested Division Name
    • Requested Division Geographic Region
    • Division Logo Request
    • Permanent Contact Email Address of Division or Leader
    • Proposed Division Leader
    • Proposed Division Council Representative
    • Proposed Division Membership Liason
    • Proposed Division Public Relations
    • Membership Roster
      • Please list all members who have agreed to be registered under the proposed Division. All members will be contacted to confirm voluntary involvement with the Division. Providing false names or names of members who haven't given their permission to be listed in the Division can result in denial of creation of the proposed Division.


    Please provide any additional comments you have that you would like considered during the review process. You may also include comments regarding feedback on this form here.

    Email all available information to admin-anti-bot-bit@jpmotorpool.com